Big Bang


Daniel Marks is a leader in marketing and advertising recruitment. We have been working closely with our partners in the marketing and creative industry to develop exciting paid internship opportunities for a number of young talented individuals. All you have to do is develop a creative solution for the following brief.

  • The Brief

    ‘Create a brand and advertise an IFO – an Identified Flying Object!’

  • What we are looking for

    An IFO is an Identified Flying Object - you need to create a brand identity for your flying object and launch it with 3 pieces of advertising! The current market of flying objects is dominated by recognised brands such as Nerf, Frisbee and Aerobie. This brief is an opportunity to create and launch a new brand and watch it fly. Make your IFO the most identified flying object on the market!!

    We’re looking for work that shows creative skills and commercial sense, with three separate pieces of advertising to showcase and sell the brand. This can be supported by a poster, a print ad, a social media piece, packaging, point of sale, a bus stop or billboard or even a short video as a TV or Cinema Ad. The type and shape of flying object is up to you – the creative challenge is to create a name, an identity and brand – in conjunction with the supporting advertising.

    It’s up to you to define your target audience - the aim of this brief is not to build and design a physical product but to create a brand name and identity.

  • Download the full brief








The Winner of this years ‘Rising Star Award’ was Anthony Morrison-Bowen. With no prior advertising experience Anthony’s BIG idea for NasDrone wowed the judges for its commercial potential, creative idea and technical innovation.


Big Bang has gained a lot of media exposure, for more information on what others had to say on the Big Bang Scheme this year - please take a look at the articles below..

  • The Dots - Blog Article
  • Campaign Live - Blog Article
  • The London Egotist - Blog Article

The Response

Here’s what some of our partnering judges thought of the Big Bang scheme we ran this year…

Big Bang Response - Grey Big Bang Response - Ogilvry and Mather Big Bang Response - Saatchi and Saatchi Big Bang Response - Princess Trust Big Bang Response - The Guardian Big Bang Response - CHI and Partners Big Bang Response - Razorfish Big Bang Response - RGA Big Bang Response - Cheil Big Bang Response - Analog Folks Big Bang Response - Poke Big Bang Response - 101 Big Bang Response - Abel and Cole Big Bang Response - Havas Big Bang Response - William Grant and Sons Big Bang Response - Mother Big Bang Response - GHD Big Bang Response - Now Big Bang Response - Argos Big Bang Response - Vita Coco Big Bang Response - Havas Entertainment Big Bang Response - Publicis Big Bang Response - Atomic Big Bang Response - Save the Children Big Bang Response - The Dots Big Bang Response - A New Direction Big Bang Response - Creative Equals Big Bang Response - Daniel Marks
  • “To me Big Bang is unique in that it is one of the few genuinely open creative schemes. Because instead of just talking about equality of opportunity, the organisers actually get their hands dirty… working tirelessly with the Prince’s Trust and other partners to actively uncover, then persuade and cajole, people from unlikely and under-represented backgrounds to at least try our field. We see work from young women and men who have never heard of graphic design, let alone studied it, and work from council workers to bedroom techies. It’s not just opening doors, it’s about unlocking them.”

    Ben Clapp

    Deputy Executive Creative Director at GREY

    Big Bang Response - Grey
  • “BigBang is a fantastic initiative to inject our industry with much needed diversity. I had a great time at the judging event and was truly blown away by some of the thinking on show. The fact remains, as ever, that you don't need any kind of qualification to be a creative or a strategist. You just need raw talent and an opportunity.”

    Giles Montgomery

    Creative Director at Ogilvy & Mather

    Big Bang Response - Ogilvry and Mather
  • “The Big Bang scheme is a great way to see emerging talent from diverse backgrounds who might not normally get a foot in the door at agencies. It’s clear there are a lot of brilliant young creatives out there and The Big Bang scheme helps connect this talent with people who can help.”

    Gemma Phillips & Mark Slack

    Senior Creative Team at Saatchi & Saatchi

    Big Bang Response - Saatchi and Saatchi
  • “I was really impressed by the Big Bang Scheme and the creative talent expressed by the young people. It was inspiring to see so many senior creative leaders showing enthusiasm to hiring diverse, young talent.”

    Vicky Yorke

    Outcomes Manager at The Prince’s Trust

    Big Bang Response - Princess Trust
  • “The Big Bang internship is a fantastic initiative. It’s harder than ever for young people today to get into creative industries let alone those from disadvantaged backgrounds. The talent that we saw on the judging day was genuinely mind-blowing given the entries were from people who had no experience working in marketing or advertising. It made me super excited about these young talents and the amazing things they could do in the industry.”

    Charlotte Emmerson

    Head of Marketing at The Guardian

    Big Bang Response - The Guardian
  • “Our work with The Prince’s Trust means we understand the value in young people. We know just what they are capable of given the opportunity. The Big Bang scheme provides that chance. I was blown away by the creative thinking of these young, talented, spirited people who have had no experience in our field. I left energised and feeling better about the world.”

    Micky Tudor

    ECD and Partner at CHI & Partners

    Big Bang Response - CHI and Partners
  • “The Big Bang Internship Awards is a great way for young people to get their foot in the door with the best agencies and most talented CCO’c and ECD’s in London. The calibre of entries goes from strength to strength each year. This year saw a wider range of skills from design to copywriting, from advertising to product invention. I was really impressed with the insights in some ideas and the execution in others. Everyone on the shortlist should be proud of what they have achieved.”

    Nick Turner

    Chief Creative Officer, EMEA at SapientNitro and Razorfish

    Big Bang Response - Razorfish
  • “Jurying at Big Bang was a great opportunity to see all the amazing, fresh talent. It was also inspiring to see all the innovative strategic thinking and well-articulated ideas that surfaced from a group of young talent with varied backgrounds. And it’s even better to see the industry support rising talent from such diverse backgrounds – it expands our industry's approach to tackling wider reaching creative executions.”

    Jen Heazlewood

    Creative Director, Head of Experience Design at R/GA

    Big Bang Response - RGA
  • “It is always so exciting to see raw talent - before fatigue and cynicism sets in... I think the whole jury were blown away by the sheer energy and professionalism in the entries. And a few shifting uncomfortably in their seats as we had to keep being reminded that this talent have never ‘learnt’ the craft of advertising. Exciting times for our industry if this is the calibre of talent keen to come in.”

    Caitlin Ryan

    Executive Creative Director at Cheil UK

    Big Bang Response - Cheil
  • "The judging was really interesting. Normally, all those CDs and other top industry types would be at their most cynical and critical when gathered to judge. But Big Bang is different. The entrants are right at the beginning of their careers. We're all hoping to find a seed of genius, or few creative shoots of potential we could nurture into amazing talent. Nobody's the finished article. But we saw plenty of surprising and exciting ideas.”

    Simon Richings

    Executive Creative Director at AnalogFolk

    Big Bang Response - Analog Folks
  • “Where did they find them all? This year's Big Bang Awards was a mind boggling parade of weird and wonderful raw creativity. A reminder of just how much untapped brilliance there is out there.”

    Angus Mackinnon

    Group Creative Director at POKE

    Big Bang Response - Poke
  • “What I like about the Big Bang Scheme is the totally eclectic nature of the entries. Because anyone from any background can enter the scheme it truly has 'no filter’. This can lead to some surprisingly great, raw work with some totally different thinking. It’s also good to watch industry peers talking with enthusiasm about emerging talent which is vitally important to our industry.”

    Mark Elwood

    Founding Partner at 101 London

    Big Bang Response - 101
  • “It was great to be involved in the Big Bang scheme. I was genuinely blown away by the quality of the work and the talent that we saw - the thinking and presentations were outstanding and there so many examples of amazing graphics, films and copy.”

    Jocelyn Grant

    Brand & Communications Director at Abel & Cole

    Big Bang Response - Abel and Cole
  • “We saw such a wild mix of weird and wonderful ideas which is the absolute joy of a properly diverse creative pool. Thanks to Daniel Marks for introducing us to these new names, I’ve got my binoculars on two in particular.”

    L.A. Ronayne

    Creative Director at Havas

    Big Bang Response - Havas
  • “The entries for the Big Bang project exceeded my expectations on every level, the professional approach in interpreting the creative brief was phenomenal, the application of the knowledge and the perspective of the marketing campaigns for the products was very insightful. It’s not often I get to witness first-hand the Millennial generation’s approach to HOW they would market a product, and there were many similarities in the approach and some interesting insights came out of the experience for me. A few I will most certainly be taking back with me to the office and applying in my campaigns going forward!”

    Fallon Paul

    Customer Marketing Manager at William Grant & Sons

    Big Bang Response - William Grant and Sons
  • “From flying sharks to buddhist symbology, Big Bang was full of beautifully diverse work that broke away from the student cliches.”

    Hannah & James

    Creative Team at Mother

    Big Bang Response - Mother
  • “It was such an honour to be asked to join the judging panel of the Big Bang 2016. Opening up the competition to all creatives from copywriters to art directors and even creative teams was really interesting. The work blew us away and it was a brilliant opportunity to see new talent bring the brief alive from different perspectives.”

    Jess Williams

    Head of Global Studio Design & Artwork at ghd

    Big Bang Response - GHD
  • “Creative departments need more diversity than ever before. It’s brilliant that The Big Bang initiative is here to help fuel that diversity. Some of the ideas I judged were at the sort of level I’d expect my own department to come up with.”

    Remco Graham

    Executive Creative Director & Partner at Now Advertising

    Big Bang Response - Now
  • “It was my first time at the Big Bang and it didn’t disappoint. I was blown away with the calibre of ideas and creative execution across the board. The panel did a great job of sharing and bringing the ideas to life and it was refreshing to mix with such a broad mix of brands. Safe to say, we struggled to decide on an overall winner due to the quality of ideas. I’m looking forward to hearing who is crowned this year's rising star and choosing one of the young creatives to come and work with us.”

    Dan Banks

    Senior Creative Manager at Argos

    Big Bang Response - Argos
  • “It was fantastic to see so much creative inspiration and vision coming from individuals who just need to be given that one chance in life to showcase their work in the right way, which doesn’t come easily for many of them. It has certainly made me consider how we recruit for marketing newcomers going forward in our business.”

    Pip Brook

    Marketing Director, EMEA at Vita Coco

    Big Bang Response - Vita Coco
  • “I was blown away by the levels of creativity apparent in the entries. We saw such a breadth of differing ideas to the brief and the whole afternoon left me feeling incredibly excited about the future of the industry. We can't wait to have one of the candidates working with us at Havas SE Cake.”

    Lizzy Pollott

    Associate Creative Director at Havas Sports & Entertainment Cake

    Big Bang Response - Havas Entertainment
  • “The Big Bang has been a brilliant way for Publicis to meet creative types who haven’t necessarily taken a traditional route into the industry. On enthusiasm and hard work alone the finalists deserve an internship. Luckily for us, they’re talented too.”

    Ben and Dan

    Creative Team at Publicis London

    Big Bang Response - Publicis
  • “The Big Bang is a brilliant opportunity for raw talent to get noticed. They are the future of what we do, so a project that enables young creatives from all walks of life to show off what they could bring gets my full support.”

    Pete Mould

    Creative Director of Art and Design at Atomic London

    Big Bang Response - Atomic
  • “There is considerable young talent out there and the Big Bang scheme is a great way to offer young people opportunities they wouldn’t necessarily be able to access. It’s a great spring board for their future careers.”

    Anjali Bewtra

    Head of Digital Engagement at Save The Children

    Big Bang Response - Save the Children
  • “We're passionate about making the creative industries more open and diverse so it has been a joy to support and champion Big Bang this year to help unearth new talent from different walks of life. Working with thousands of leading brands and companies, we know first-hand that a more diverse workplace leads to better creative outcomes so we can't wait to see the positive result this scheme has for all involved.”

    Leanne Hammill

    Head of Marketing & Partnerships at The Dots Global

    Big Bang Response - The Dots
  • “We were delighted to have collaborated with Daniel Marks on the BigBang. Our Create Jobs programme is all about connecting young Londoners with amazing creative employment opportunities. We know the jobs are here, but access remains a real problem. We need more employers to open their doors more often. It’s through initiatives like the Big Bang Internship Scheme that we can connect the young Londoners we work with to exciting industry professionals like Radio 1 Extra. We look forward to working with Daniel Marks in the future and are very very pleased for our Rising Star, Anthony Morrison-Bowen.”

    Julia Hayes

    Create Jobs Employment Manager at A New Direction

    Big Bang Response - A New Direction
  • “The quality of work was outstanding, however, it's also important for the work to be judged through gender diverse perspectives. This year, working with Creative Equals, the jury was 50/50. Along with 'known names' like Caitlin Ryan (ECD, Cheil), L.A. Royanne (CD, Havas Workclub) and Becky McOwen-Banks (CD, FCB Inferno), the student's work was evaluated by upand - coming 'names to watch', including Tori Fannon (art director, Creature London), Rita Bourma (UX, Possible), Emma Scott-Robinson (CD, Razorfish) and Jen Hazelwood (CD, R/GA). All these senior female leaders are committed to dropping the ladder back down. That way the industry will have a strong pipeline of future female creative talent - and, more importantly, the mentors to shape them”

    Ali Hanan

    Founder, Creative Equals

    Big Bang Response - Creative Equals
  • “We’re delighted not only with the quality of work we’ve been able to review from the young people who’ve answered the brief, but also the positive response we’ve had from our clients who have been so keen to support the initiative. Over fifty finalists now have a meeting with a leading agency or brand with a view to taking a paid Internship. This is a great result for everyone involved and shows the industry is as keen as we are to help tackle the key issues whilst giving young people an opportunity.”

    Dan Matthews

    Founder and CEO at Daniel Marks

    Big Bang Response - Daniel Marks

Interested in being a part of Big Bang 2017?

Please leave your contact details and we’ll be in touch about how to get involved nearer the time.